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South African Tourism – waterfalls Queen’s named

This is the most beautiful waterfalls in Africa, with the performances of water and extremely light.
In the area of the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe the Zambesi River to 1,700 m suddenly poured down a valley as deep chasms, deep to 108 m, and created the mighty Victoria Falls, full of poetic.
Scottish researcher David Livingstone discovered this magnificent waterfall in the year 1855. He said that this is the most beautiful waterfalls in Africa, with the performances of water and extremely light.
The name of the waterfall are located under exclusive Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom despite its name is Mosi-oa-Tunya (“smoke that thunders”). This waterfall is part of two national parks, national parks in Zambia and Victoria Falls National Park in Zimbabwe.
Europeans began settling in the area around Victoria falls from about 1900 according to the needs of Cecil Rhodes in the British South Africa company of mineral rights and for the rule of the Empire to the North of the Zambezi River, and the exploitation of other natural resources such as wood in the forests North-East falls and ivory together.

Before 1905, can go through above the falls at the Old Drift, by dugout canoe or a barge pulled by a steel cable. Rhodes’s ambition of a Cape-Cairo railway has created the plans for the first bridge across the Zambezi River.
From 1905 the railway has facilitated the white from the ends of the Cape from the South and from 1909 was the Belgian Congo in the North.
Since 1989, the Victoria Falls has been recognized as a UNESCO world natural heritage site and is one of the most attractive tourist destination in South Africa.
In the rainy season lasts from November to March next year, the Zambesi River teeming with loud rushing water pouring down the deep valley and generate a large water screens in the world, making little baby also becomes Rainbow. the river flow in the level, usually in September and December, people can swim close to the edge of the falls in the tank without continuing over the edge and falling down the throats of the falls; It is thanks to a natural stone wall below the water level falls next stop them though the water is always moving.
Two pretty little waterfall in the National Park-National Park of Mosi-oa-Tunya width 66 km2 and Victoria Falls National Park extension 23 km2, right next to the Victoria Falls National Park in the West is the Zambezi National Park, stretching 40 km west along the river.
Mopane forests grassland is mostly in the region, with small areas of Miombo woodlands and Rhodesian Teak forests and shrub savannah. Riverine forest with Palm trees along the banks and Islands above the falls. Tropical jungle are irrigated by the bath slightly from the falls, there are rare plants such as pod mahogany, ebony, ivory palm, wild date palm and a number of creepers and lianas.
Here you’ll see flocks of elephants drink water on the River, flood Zebra tussle on the green grass.

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