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Travelling to the capitals of South Africas

From high-end to budget, very professional. Kruger National Park also has the particularity that way. Private rhino in South Africa accounted for more than half the total number of rhinos in the world, are in distress poaching threat.
Usually each country only one capital, but South Africa has three capitals: Pretoria is the administrative capital, Cape Town is the legislative capital, and Bloemfontein – judicial capital.
South Africa has 11 different names, respectively with 11 official languages; as African countries but many Europeans. The most developed country in Africa led the world’s top producer of gold, Platinum, chromium. In addition, diamond is also the main export items.
Former President Nelson Mandela has called his hometown as the “rainbow nation” to generalize about cultural diversity and race. This is also where Robert Baden-powell founded the scouting movement, with the ritual beginning from the 1890.
The Pretoria capital  – Andries Pretorius’s name-a very respected non-European ancestry, but is the father of Apartheid should from 2005 was renamed Tshware-means “we’re equal”, however the Centre still carries the name Pretoria and people still call so.
Pretoria is home to species of blooming purple Phoenix in late October, dyed purple romantic ancient city. If the bustling Johannesburg, hustle and stuffy, the Pretoria-somewhat slow and serene. The city lies on the Apeis river, not many skyscrapers, not traffic car quite a lot and  though very little of the motorcycle.
The works, the monument, the University, the Christian churches, parks, gardens, Green eco … created for Pretoria appearance in Europe. 9 new stores opening, Saturday to 11 hours but 15 hours is closed, Sunday holiday should absent hoe Street.
Cape Town in the Western Cape-was dubbed the “world’s best city (Telegraph magazine-uk, 2008-vote),” world’s most beautiful harbour “,” City tourism “. Much the name well enough to speak up the allure of this beautiful land.
Tabuer mountains-also called Table Mountain-High 1,082 m, width 3km2, often cloudy white tulle panels as covered giant cover up the great table of the form. This is a pretty extreme position to enjoy the panorama of bustling streets, bustling commercial port. Clifton Beach-was, Forbes vote is 1 in 10 of the world’s beautiful beaches …
Especially in Cape of good hope-Good Hope Cape-of Africa. Standing next to Good Hope Cape taking pictures with tourists, I remembered about feeling welcome dawn in Modern lighthouses (District), the easternmost point of the country S-shaped strip of land. It’s like standing on the hood of the giant boats between the vast ocean. Much nicer. The foot of the Lighthouse-the vast Territory has extremely beautiful beach, next to the stream is in the veo visitor sea bathing.
Also the judicial Bloemfontem capital was dubbed the “the fountain”, “city of roses” also has many unique architecture to the glorious rose garden, many modern industrial base.
South Africa ranked third in terms of biodiversity (after Brazil and Indonesia). There are many very strange plants. Tree sale (Half Human), a tree which grows arid, Rocky Mountains, coastal sharks, vertical, tree tops and foam lightening xòa those twig, look as far as human hair. Protea plants – the national flower of South Africa-have pink petals look like Lotus Flower, white pistil non like sunflowers.
Baobab Tree is also endemic. Roots to shoots and leaves small, muscular, porous body, their rice, the plant is a source of water and food, pharmaceutical, dye, for Aboriginal people.

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