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South African Tourism – waterfalls Queen’s named

This is the most beautiful waterfalls in Africa, with the performances of water and extremely light.
In the area of the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe the Zambesi River to 1,700 m suddenly poured down a valley as deep chasms, deep to 108 m, and created the mighty Victoria Falls, full of poetic.
Scottish researcher David Livingstone discovered this magnificent waterfall in the year 1855. He said that this is the most beautiful waterfalls in Africa, with the performances of water and extremely light.
The name of the waterfall are located under exclusive Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom despite its name is Mosi-oa-Tunya (“smoke that thunders”). This waterfall is part of two national parks, national parks in Zambia and Victoria Falls National Park in Zimbabwe.
Europeans began settling in the area around Victoria falls from about 1900 according to the needs of Cecil Rhodes in the British South Africa company of mineral rights and for the rule of the Empire to the North of the Zambezi River, and the exploitation of other natural resources such as wood in the forests North-East falls and ivory together.

Before 1905, can go through above the falls at the Old Drift, by dugout canoe or a barge pulled by a steel cable. Rhodes’s ambition of a Cape-Cairo railway has created the plans for the first bridge across the Zambezi River.
From 1905 the railway has facilitated the white from the ends of the Cape from the South and from 1909 was the Belgian Congo in the North.
Since 1989, the Victoria Falls has been recognized as a UNESCO world natural heritage site and is one of the most attractive tourist destination in South Africa.
In the rainy season lasts from November to March next year, the Zambesi River teeming with loud rushing water pouring down the deep valley and generate a large water screens in the world, making little baby also becomes Rainbow. the river flow in the level, usually in September and December, people can swim close to the edge of the falls in the tank without continuing over the edge and falling down the throats of the falls; It is thanks to a natural stone wall below the water level falls next stop them though the water is always moving.
Two pretty little waterfall in the National Park-National Park of Mosi-oa-Tunya width 66 km2 and Victoria Falls National Park extension 23 km2, right next to the Victoria Falls National Park in the West is the Zambezi National Park, stretching 40 km west along the river.
Mopane forests grassland is mostly in the region, with small areas of Miombo woodlands and Rhodesian Teak forests and shrub savannah. Riverine forest with Palm trees along the banks and Islands above the falls. Tropical jungle are irrigated by the bath slightly from the falls, there are rare plants such as pod mahogany, ebony, ivory palm, wild date palm and a number of creepers and lianas.
Here you’ll see flocks of elephants drink water on the River, flood Zebra tussle on the green grass.

During the trip to the Tsland nation of Vanuatu in the South Pacifi

The native population introduced to me a strange specialties, looking like the beast, with shrimp, crabs, turtles, spider belly tomorrow. He is the appearance of coconut crab – one of the world’s largest crab species exist on Earth-live in the islands off the coast of the South Pacific.
Maximum weight, length up to 40 cm, the lifespan from 30-60 years, coconut crabs have ten legs, is a bizarre creature, helped by the coconut forest in the island country such as Vanuatu, Fiji, Solomon … The coconut crab is revolving around the story fascinating, thrilling from crab coconut coconut pickers, climbing ways, coconut, coconut-eating …
Coconut crabs to incapacitated as pincer-can move heavy weight to 29kg-use the peeled coconut. Two pairs of coconut crab leg length than the crab legs, and coconut, coconut crabs help pole climbing up the coconut trunk upright. The fourth pair of legs is smaller, has the function to remove the copra coconut crab eats, this pair of legs used to walk and climb. The last pair of legs is very small, is located in the abdomen, using clean the spiracles in the abdominal part of coconut crabs.
Coconut crab has the unique Coconut husk separation techniques, coconut shell surrounded by dry, coconut crabs use as possible to separate your grade coconut fiber coconut stem sections, starting from three small holes where coconuts grow sprouts, coconut crabs use as strong typing constantly into the hole until the coconut is dry hot or punctured deep into parts of coconut rice coconut crabs, coconuts, overturned using two small legs and pointed teasing deep into the coconut rice, coconut rice haul part out eat. Many large coconut crabs can be used as a dry coconut shell tank smashing to pieces.
There’s coconut crabs are very wise, after the split of dried coconut shells pounded out nostalgic not hot, crab coconut tree climbing higher folder drop down to coconut coconut rice, out to eat a hot encounter when not coconut crab climbs a coconut tree is deciduous, high on 20 m, coconut pickers drop to the ground and crawling down the separation of coconuts to eat.
Coconut crabs live on land, in the Burrows near the coast, and can’t swim, can drown in water. The nose is an extremely important agency to help the coconut crab flavored analysis, find directions to the coconuts deep in the land. Coconut crab’s friend season lasts from May to September, the peak is from July to August, the male crab and crab the fiercely until the male crab crawl back up and conduct one crab mating, mating time are 15 minutes.
Then the crabs spawn, clutching the egg in the belly by a kind of glue adhesive secreted by the crabs, usually to October, the crab to the sea at night, taking advantage of the waves at high tide, almost the crabs that live in the area are conducting the drop eggs into the ocean at the same time.
Egg coconut crab sailing on 28 November, a lot of them were the fish and other crustaceans eat meat, then crab larvae that live under the sea shore in a protective sheath as shells throughout the 28 days the next. During this time, the crab or coconut ngoi ashore alive, then Peel and development. More on 28 more, coconut crabs often ashore, and completely forget the ability to breathe in water. Coconut crab really grown from 4-8 years of age.

Visits Africa and learn the culture of Africa drink is even slightly bizarre part, Palm wine again quite popular in a lot of peoples. In particular, this wine of the important rituals of some Asian and African countries.
Palm wine or other common name is Toddy, wine is a beverage made from the resin of some species of Palm tree such as the Palmyra, and coconut palm trees. Palm wine have a huge influence on the culture of many Asian and African countries, especially in the lives of the people of Sri Lanka and Myanmar.
Successful processing of Palm wine to undergo quite a lot of stages, first take the plastic Palm trees. How to harvest the most popular cut flowers and harvest flow from plastic flowers, then people just use the palm flowers tied around the bottle and wait hấng take the whole plastic part flowing out. Plastic fluid secreted from Palm flowers are very fragrant and sweet and fermented before they’re drinks are popular. Most of the Palm wine is naturally fermented, approximately after 2 hours from the time of harvest. This wine is fragrant with low alcohol concentration and sweetness.
However with different tastes in each country as well as fermentation time Brewer again takes place according to the different processes bring the flavours really well. Palm wine if fermented for a period longer, about a day then the alcohol content will more aggressively, more sour song that was the preferred drink in many African countries.
Also the Palm wine song every where the drink originated from the different Palm varieties, this is also partly why the taste of Palm wine became diverse. In Africa most of the Palm wine made of plastic mined from the wild Palm species such as Silver Palm or Palm oil trees, thot not district. India and South Asia again favored the use of coconut palms and thot not district. Also like, through each country, the name of the drink is this unique charm and a change. In Congo have up to four different wines and name calling is still in Nigeria, Palm-wine Malafu called  is Ogogoro.
In India-this popular drink known as Kallu. It is usually drinking Kallu right after the end of the fermentation process at the end of the day, to the next day sour as vinegar Kallu perishable and by the drink has a very short storage time. In many parts of India such as Palm alcohol drink is Pradesh extremely common and is also the main source of income of the local population.
In most villages here people usually drink Kallu after the end of the work day. Kallu is also the drink to the gods during religious rites of the Indians. A picture featured here is that when the sunset, the people gathered under a tree, the leaves into the infundibulum, skillfully pour alcohol out homemade funnel it uphill and into the mouth to drink until intoxicated.
Likewise, Palm wine have an important role in many ceremonies of the Nigenia in Central and West Africa as a wedding, come on baby cribs or mourn ma. In occasions like visitors ever was also invited to the Palm wine cups characteristics of indigenous people. Besides Palm wine, also from the people of each region in the country is also associated with the herb to create healing effects are very good.

Travelling to the capitals of South Africas

From high-end to budget, very professional. Kruger National Park also has the particularity that way. Private rhino in South Africa accounted for more than half the total number of rhinos in the world, are in distress poaching threat.
Usually each country only one capital, but South Africa has three capitals: Pretoria is the administrative capital, Cape Town is the legislative capital, and Bloemfontein – judicial capital.
South Africa has 11 different names, respectively with 11 official languages; as African countries but many Europeans. The most developed country in Africa led the world’s top producer of gold, Platinum, chromium. In addition, diamond is also the main export items.
Former President Nelson Mandela has called his hometown as the “rainbow nation” to generalize about cultural diversity and race. This is also where Robert Baden-powell founded the scouting movement, with the ritual beginning from the 1890.
The Pretoria capital  – Andries Pretorius’s name-a very respected non-European ancestry, but is the father of Apartheid should from 2005 was renamed Tshware-means “we’re equal”, however the Centre still carries the name Pretoria and people still call so.
Pretoria is home to species of blooming purple Phoenix in late October, dyed purple romantic ancient city. If the bustling Johannesburg, hustle and stuffy, the Pretoria-somewhat slow and serene. The city lies on the Apeis river, not many skyscrapers, not traffic car quite a lot and  though very little of the motorcycle.
The works, the monument, the University, the Christian churches, parks, gardens, Green eco … created for Pretoria appearance in Europe. 9 new stores opening, Saturday to 11 hours but 15 hours is closed, Sunday holiday should absent hoe Street.
Cape Town in the Western Cape-was dubbed the “world’s best city (Telegraph magazine-uk, 2008-vote),” world’s most beautiful harbour “,” City tourism “. Much the name well enough to speak up the allure of this beautiful land.
Tabuer mountains-also called Table Mountain-High 1,082 m, width 3km2, often cloudy white tulle panels as covered giant cover up the great table of the form. This is a pretty extreme position to enjoy the panorama of bustling streets, bustling commercial port. Clifton Beach-was, Forbes vote is 1 in 10 of the world’s beautiful beaches …
Especially in Cape of good hope-Good Hope Cape-of Africa. Standing next to Good Hope Cape taking pictures with tourists, I remembered about feeling welcome dawn in Modern lighthouses (District), the easternmost point of the country S-shaped strip of land. It’s like standing on the hood of the giant boats between the vast ocean. Much nicer. The foot of the Lighthouse-the vast Territory has extremely beautiful beach, next to the stream is in the veo visitor sea bathing.
Also the judicial Bloemfontem capital was dubbed the “the fountain”, “city of roses” also has many unique architecture to the glorious rose garden, many modern industrial base.
South Africa ranked third in terms of biodiversity (after Brazil and Indonesia). There are many very strange plants. Tree sale (Half Human), a tree which grows arid, Rocky Mountains, coastal sharks, vertical, tree tops and foam lightening xòa those twig, look as far as human hair. Protea plants – the national flower of South Africa-have pink petals look like Lotus Flower, white pistil non like sunflowers.
Baobab Tree is also endemic. Roots to shoots and leaves small, muscular, porous body, their rice, the plant is a source of water and food, pharmaceutical, dye, for Aboriginal people.

Travelling to Egypt – explore ancient civilization

Comes to Egypt, we often think of Cairo, Pyramids, Pharaoh King … but few people know to Sharm el Sheikh, a diving tourist attraction no less important part of Egypt.
Sharm el Sheikh is situated at the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula in the Red Sea region. The sea here throughout as Crystal with 250 Reef and more than 1000 species of fish in the sea. With the sunny climate all year round, this is a paradise for diving enthusiasts discover the colorful ocean world.
I came here with the family and children, but that does not prevent the go scuba diving, my favorite sport. I earn PADI International scuba diving since 2002, and the last time I was diving in 2004 in Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka. I’m not sure I understand the techniques of dives. However, I am still registered to dive with Sinai dive Club here.
Morning I come to the Club early to receive map diving. My first impression was: they’re organized, an ark accessories deals my name was in place, I just had to check shoes, flippers, diving jacket has no medium. That very day, more than 20 people on a bus bringing us out of the harbor. To the Harbor I realized that 20 people we just the odd numbers in a crowd of hundreds who are queuing up. Perhaps no where as here the visitors are divers, from a stout middle age women downloads, to the short lived tone girls in slim dress of mourning. They make me really elated.
The ship left the dock in less than five minutes, the guides (HDV) collection divided we do three groups of diving. Each of us has two oxygen tank for twice diving. At preparing map diving, Octopus with oxygen tank Assembly, I was a bit embarrassing because I don’t remember clearly the manipulation. At that time, I have felt that I am not ready for diving. However, I have no reason to withdraw, everything was ready … and I jumped into the water as a professional diver.
HDV signals for people to sink slowly down, I still remember most of the air discharge in the life jackets, pressure balance … all goes smoothly. Down to the bottom of the I signal “OK” and people start to HDV. Less than a minute, I start seeing water spilling into the diving goggles, I recall method “wash the mask”-open a little and then diving glasses full of breathing from the nose.
Maybe I had too many open and water spills on the as much more, I panic slightly but still trying to try again, this time into massively and fills the diving goggles, water began to spill into the nose and down throat with salty, I couldn’t breathe anymore, because every time I inhaled were being water. I hiss puppet hand roamed signal “has unsettled things” and I swim to the surface. HDV immediately emerged after me and asked what’s the matter. I recounted the incident and say I’m not ready, I don’t want to affect the group, and I will not join the diving sessions today.
I clearly see the frustration of the HDV internalize and I am also very disappointed in himself. I swim about and decide, I have to attend the course to restart (refreshing course), I have to overcome this fear and I must find the fun scuba diving.

To South Africa, learn the culinary art is interesting of any travellers

Travel South Africa-Is the South Africa, located in the Southern hemisphere climate in South Africa is quite pleasant as interesting destinations of tourists throughout the year.
To South Africa, the country was known as the Kingdom of diamonds, you not only overwhelmed infinity gold ,diamond luxury, splendor that you will immensely enjoy enjoy wine, discover the culinary art and immerse yourself in unspoiled nature.
The first leg in Johannesburg, the largest city and the most wealthy South Africa. This city is one of the 40 largest metropolitan areas in the world.
To Johannesburg, you’ll be soaked when visiting the world famous diamond mine is located in North-Western South Africa–where the discovery of the diamond weighed 3106 carats.
Legend, Gauteng province discovered heavy 3106 Carat Cullinan Diamond and this event was famous throughout the world. Because of the allure of great value and as such, should have been cut into many small Cullian and decorations on the Crown of the Queen of Britain. Then, this huge diamond was taken to Johannesburg under tight security control.
What’s more interesting, when you are visiting and learn the process of manipulating the diamond to understand that like to get a complete product, they must go through how many stages and through it you will understand is that why diamonds are rated the most gems.
South Africa is the country is the very nature of incentives. If the bottom has the valuable ores, metals such as gold, diamonds, Platinum, on the ground that the awning vineyard of thousands created a famous wine industry from more than 300 years. Today, South Africa is one of 10 countries to produce and export the world’s greatest wines.
Visit the Groot Constantia Wine Estate (Cape Town) you’ll be soaked when the freedom to enjoy the type of red wine, rose wine, white wine are the dessert wines are very sweet taste tasty, fame from those centuries and is the favorite drink of Kings and emperors of Europe.

In addition to enjoying wine, visitors will witness the tearful vineyards and production process of this unique wine.
Is a multi-racial country should have the culinary cultural exchanges with each other, the people of South Africa primarily using raw materials from the meat. Many European cuisines mixed with the raw materials of Africa and Oriental dishes by slaves brought to South African cities. In it, the most prominent is the dried beef Biltong are very popular here and in shops and supermarkets.


 - You are a girl fascinated by the beauty of the machine measuring the time or simply want to own for themselves a convenient accessory is a wristwatch? You always want to own yourself a unique product and the beauty, style, your fashion sense? So you have to capture the latest trends this year?
Let's YouandMe to find answers to these Swiss watches female form super HOT and still not lose the heat on the market today.
1. Rolex: 
- The elegance, class and nobility is what these products bring your Rolex. These ladies wealthy, prominent nobility and always choose yourself a luxury timepiece named Rolex. The sophisticated design, with emphasis on lines, quality and color created for the collection of this brand a unique color. Just mentioning the name alone was at the attraction, the admiration of those around you for you. Each product is a combination of art masterpieces with cutting-edge technologies in manufacturing. Not just a mere hour machine watch, Rolex gives you the status of a queen, a modern aristocracy.

2.  Piaget: 
 - The feminine, enchanting and seductive transmitted in every collection of the brand. Capital Piaget was born to serve the beauty - beauty enchanted and anxiety of her hot, tender even a bit of personality. Piaget focused on the appearance of each product. Inspired by nature, contact the woman's beauty, each design is the crystallization between expensive materials like diamonds, precious stones with soft beauty, flexibility of lines. You will feel like you are not wearing a normal watch, coarse rather, it is a lovely jewels that any of you will want to put on her to adorn the wings or the flawless style.
3. Longines:
 -  The classic, simple and refined always been the strength of the Swiss watch brands 100-year-old female. Rolex and Piaget If offers modern and sweet, the Longines brings a mystical simplicity. Not too focused on the design, the pursuit of ancient and old but not losing modernity embodied in the circular dials with 3 simple metallic wire material with a small belt. The pure, bright but also very mysterious, Longines is suitable for those girls love the purity, elegance mysterious lady or gentle, delicate.
 4. Ogival:
You will see the similarities in the design of the brand Ogival from Saint-Imier lands - Longines. Classic styles are still simple, traditional colors with silver and gold demi; however, about prices, Ogival appropriate and more affordable for consumers Vietnam. Besides, with glazed ceramic materials, oil painting, engraving on the dial premium or inspiration from flowers, nature, life, Ogival make up the diversity of shapes and designs for consumers using unleash selection.
5. Olympia Star
  -  OP or Olym Pianus, Olympia Star is the oldest brand from Switzerland but well developed in Asia, especially Taiwan market, Hong Kong. Compared to the 5 brands listed above, the OP has the cheapest price and common to most customers. Reason for: OP brand is not too common result in the company not spending heavily in ads that focus on improving the quality, reasonable price and should be cheaper. OP often use Ronda (Switzerland) or machine Seiko, Orient, so even cheaper price but the quality has always led. In addition, the OP models are varied, unlimited choices for customers. This is because of the following reasons in Asia, OP very popular.
 + Above are 5 female Swiss watches ladies shaken and never lose their heat. If you really are a girl said to catch up and create their own trends and people, do not hesitate to give his property a clock-class and your style.


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